AYOTF - Live Episode, 13 July 2021 - A Roo’d Awakening
In this live episode, I discuss a couple of big stories from the AFL, as well as review Rd.17 and dig into the HUGE news of the last couple of days.
PODCAST LISTENER SURVEY LINK: https://forms.gle/J...
AYOTF - Live Episode, 13 July 2021 - A Roo’d Awakening
In this live episode, I discuss a couple of big stories from the AFL, as well as review Rd.17 and dig into the HUGE news of the last couple of days.
PODCAST LISTENER SURVEY LINK: https://forms.gle/Js4HzCqgC5gdGSvV8
Don’t forget to check out the new podcast website: ayankonthefooty.com. I hope that you’ll check it out, bookmark it, and share it with your footy friends.
Want to help out the podcast?
New podcast website (You can leave a voice mail or message on the new website. You can also leave a review for the show, along with signing up for the mailing list.)
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A link to my Youtube Page. Here is where you can also find my podcasts.
Club of the round: Greystanes Goannas
https://www.gogoannas.com.au/ https://www.instagram.com/greystanesgoannas/
Milli’s Tribute Freo's special Starlight jumper | 7 News
Travis's tune - Journey's End (Lightly Swims The Swan) Celtic Guitar
If you’ve got a footy sticker for your favorite, or local club that you’d like to share with the podcast host, the mailing address is 1124 McKinley St. Sandusky Ohio 44870 USA
For crisis support, please contact:
Lifeline http://lifeline.org.au 13 11 14
Beyond Blue http://beyondblue.org.au 1300 22 4636
In the U.S. contact: https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/ 1-800-273-8255
I humbly thank you for taking the time to listen to my show. I truly appreciate it.
Don’t forget that you can reach me on Twitter @Yank_on or at ayankonthefooty@gmail.com. You can also find me at A Yank on the Footy on Instagram and Facebook.
I ask that you consider sharing this episode, and this podcast with your family and friends.
"May your dribble kick never hit the post."
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